Temporary Change in Release Schedule

I’ve recently had a certain real life catastrophe which has resulted in me being unable to write Aethernea for last 18 days. (You can read the details of the catastrophe here, here, and here.) I am now back to writing, however, unfortunately, these 18 days of nonwriting has caused my public releases to catch up to Patron-only early releases, which means that currently, Patrons aren’t any episodes ahead. To rectify this, public releases are temporarily going to drop from two releases per week to one release per week (On Thursdays, there will be no release today but next Thursday) until Patrons are once again ahead, the way they are supposed to be (Patron releases are going to remain at 2+ releases per week).

At worst case scenario, this temporary drop will last 8 weeks, at best case scenario, it might last 4 weeks or even less, depending on my writing productivity.

Sorry guys! ><

– Cloe

P.S.  Everyone, thank you very, very, very much for the comments and messages you have been sending. I really appreciate it and will answer every one of you in the coming weeks.

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7 years ago

It’s alright Chloe! I hope whatever troubles you are going to get rectified and solved for the best! Sincerely, a fan. ^-^